
This website is the property of Maison Mélan Moutet represented by Comptoir Commercial Champenois
Website editor: M Mathias Mélan Moutet
Headquarters: 51 rue Vernouillet 51100 REIMS
Number registration: 33698018000028

Website Design

Photos & graphic credits

Product photos credits
Frédéric de Bailliencourt & Arnaud Texier


Warning Intelectual property:
This site is governed in its totality by Copyright Law.
Each of the elements contained in the Site including laying out, texts, photographs,
videos, logos, brands are protected by royalty and are the Maison Mélan Moutet property.
The partial or total representation, modification of the totality or part of the site
or its contents is considered as counterfeiting as defined by the law (Intellectual Property Code).

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